Wrestling Scans


How to use the search engine

Note: It's not fully completed yet, but updates are happening every day,

 - To search for a wrestler, promotion, PPV, etc. and it contains more than one word, surround the phrase you want to search for with double quotes " ".  If you don't do this, you'll bring back results that match any of the words you're looking for, not just for that particular person. Example: If you use "Steve Austin" you'll bring back results just for Steve Austin. If you use Steve Austin, you'll bring back everyone named Steve OR Austin. 

- For wrestlers who have multiple names, each name brings back its own results. For example, if you search for "Ultimate Warrior" you will NOT bring back anything mentioning Dingo Warrior or Blade Runner Rock.

- I used the most common spelling for the names. For example, I used Lex Luger instead of Lex Lugar, even though "Lex Lugar" had been used in a few magazines.

- I removed apostrophes and periods since they were causing issues with the code. Therefore Mr. Fuji is now Mr Fuji and D'Lo Brown is now Dlo Brown. 

- I may have made some typos. Let me know if you find any.

Twitter: @wrestlingscans (I promise to be more active there)

Email: contact@wrestlingscans.com (Note, my email can be glitchy so if you don't get a reply in a day or so please try again.)